Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

10 The World's Most Unique Family

Having a family that has its own similarities and uniqueness is very exciting, one of the advantages is that it can strengthen kinship. Similarly, the 10 most unique family below.

1. Family Anti Plastic

In this practical all times there are still families who care about the environment. Yeah family of Sandra Krautwaschl coming from Austria this was not using items made from plastic sangking love with the environment. 

2. Family Albino

In India there are a family of albino member of this family most often exiled by many people. Fortunately it does not make them inferior malainkan remain grateful to god.

3. Families Live in Traditional Ways 

In the modern era of globalization and the current very strong seems to be very difficult for us to avoid it. But that does not mean for the families of the couple MCMilian Blair and Morgan Patey. Because family is so can avoid technology. This is done so that children can experience life in the '80s

4. Family Lovers Touring 

Wowo family of the couple Herman and Candelaria Zapp this touring nonstop for 11 years. They had explored four continents with his old car, because for them the car is already like a home run.

5. Family Barbie 

I was so obsessed with Barbie doll, Valeria Lukyanova a strict diet and plastic surgery to her appearance much like a barbie doll. But it turned out not only that bepenampilanya similar to Barbie dolls, other family members also have a very similar appearance of Barbie dolls.

6. Blue-skinned Family 

Blue-blooded family is common. How about blue-skinned family? You'll rarely hear about this, right? In Kentucky, there is a family that semuanyaberkulit blue. This is not because the incarnation of a god, but is caused by a genetic disorder called methaemoglobinaemia.

7. Family Born on 1 

Whether coincidence or something, but it really happened. Raheem family is very unique because of his family members were born on the same date ie the date 1. Asik yes if you can celebrate birthdays together.

8. Family Walking With Crawling

In Turkey there is a family that everything goes the way fours. This is due to a genetic disorder that makes them very difficult when forced to stand.
9. Family Anti Social

Angulo family consists of six people. They live in an apartment whose doors are always in the key by his father. They currently do not have friends because they can not socialize, they're doing is watching a film they consider to be the journey of life.

10. Families with Most Members

In India there is a family with the highest number of members in the world. Yes Mizoram has 39 wives 94 children 24-in-law and 33 grandchildren. Wah not imagine how susana in Mizoram's family home.

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