Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Uniquely Animals Behave Like Human

Humans and animals were created by God to coexist even though the animals had no conscience and intelligence of human beings. Nature, human and animal instinct of course opposing general. But lately there are many people who take the animals live among us. Whether because of greed or self-interest, they have greedily prevail and take whatever they want regardless of his surroundings. Perhaps because the world is upside down, here are some of the human nature which is owned animals that we summarized in an animal to be human version uniqueworldinfo.blogspot.co.id

1. Elephant 

Elephants are the largest land mammal one animal has the strongest human emotions. Elephants live in groups have rituals when there is one member of their group dies.
A group of elephants will bury the dead elephant with grass and foliage. Once buried, the dead elephant then maintained for a week before being abandoned. Like humans pilgrimage, a group of elephants it will be back to visit elephant died already living order after years.
2. Ant

Animals that can act like humans are ants. Ants are insects that live in colonies but scera prioritize their individual communities to be willing themselves to die. Examples dare menghanjurkan enemy colony even if he should die. The colony sebur willing to make sacrifices when it comes to natural disasters eg floods overflowed in the amazon river they form rafts with their feet to rescue the queen and brood, even though they die eat fish but they make sacrifices for the survival of another friend.
3. Vampire bats 

Vampire bat is one scary animals because they suck blood turns out they are animals that help them when sick, proven when they seek adrah night and his friend mengetahuii their pain and for blood to be together not only iuntuk themselves snediri.cara they care very disgusting , when they got the blood then they will vomit it as a way to share the pain with the bat until gradually recovered.
4. Dolphins

Dolphin does have an instinct to help other beings such as when to give help to the pope lost, and when there are dolphins which will give birth to the other acted as midwife who will help labor and help care for the baby dolphin. Some dolphins have been proven to show kindness to help swimmers of hammerhead shark attack threat. Well, these dolphins also have greeting. Just as humans are fond kiss on the cheek, dolphins like greetings with each other rubbing his nose. Man who pressed his nose to the dolphins will also be rewarded behind.

5. Dog

A study published in the journal Behavioural Processes 1999 that mimic dog feel guilty is not a sign of remorse. But it marks them to tell their employers that they had eaten the forbidden food left her employer. Dog bermimik regret it more to the fear of knowing her employer would get angry rather than feeling sorry.
6. Mouse

For banyuak the rats one of the animals is identical dirty but it turns out this animal instinct in human likeness is loyal and understand the meaning of persahabatan.studi University of Chicago determined rat page can empathize and release are caught and they are not easily provoked by food didepannya.saat other mice berbahya they release the food in front of him and choose to save temannnya. Female mice more quickly to help a friend and high empathy.
7. Bird Blue Birdf

Humans are not the only ones who could be jealous of any bird turned out to feel the same way. If the male's foraging betinannya out with blue bird other males, so when males return to the nest he knows betinannya out with other males then he will hit, peck other males because they baranggapan loyalty the most important thing and they usually build a nest together, incubating the eggs and raise their children.

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