Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

Strange Things Happen While You Sleep

Strange Things Happen While You Sleep - We often think that sleep is when most peaceful, passive and quiet. But it turns out while we sleep, there are many strange things that can happen to us and some of you no doubt must have experienced some of these strange events. Here's the weirdest thing that can happen to you while you sleep.

Talking In Bed

More often happens to children than adults, and if it happens to adults generally on men than women, but the point is to talk in bed can occur terhadpa 5% of us. Known as Somnilioquy is strange sleep behavior in which you speak while sleeping. How hard do you speak also vary greatly, there are very hard to just whispers but usually only occurs in a span of 30 seconds.

Just like a dream, what causes a person to talk while sleeping and determine what their conversation is not known until now. So far we can conclude that only one result of stress, depression, or illness.

Sleep Paralysis

Here it is most peculiar and popular things that can happen while you sleep. Waking up in the morning, but suddenly find that you can not move any part of your body even to talk alone can not. This is what is known as Sleep Paralysis and it is scary. Often touted as crushed demons, sleep paralysis is indeed one thing that is often associated with hauntings. But in reality is not like that, there is a scientific explanation behind it.

Actually, when you sleep, no sleep cycles which will be penetrated but it all leads to a cycle known as REM Sleep. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep itself is a sleep cycle where your eyes move rapidly in different directions. If the Jerk Hypnagonic case, mind you enter the first cycle, then in the case of Sleep Paralysis, your mind is awakened earlier than your body. Know that in fact while we sleep, our body's outline can be said to be really lame (if not then we will move here and there while sleeping). If you experience this, just take it easy for Sleep Paralysis is not dangerous and will slowly disappear.


Described as a behavior in which a person's sleep snoring noises which is relatively hard and going to 40% of us. The sound of snoring is due to the vibration in the tissues of our breathing. There are many reasons why snoring can occur, such as alcohol, medications, sleeping position, until the sign of a medical condition, but the loudest snoring can occur due to the narrowing of the throat.

While sleeping, our muscles terelaksasi, our breathing changes, and oddly enough we narrowed throat which in most cases leads to what we know as snoring. In the worst case, a narrowing of the throat makes one seemed to stop breathing and then they were snoring so loud.


Either believe it or not, whether man or woman, when you sleep it is not rare you will unconsciously let go fart. The reason for this is because when you sleep, all the parts of our body begins terelaksasi and it also includes the muscles in your rectum, making it inadvertently release one or two 'bombs' natural. Fortunately while you sleep, your olfactory senses also enter into a state of passive and less effectiveness.

This is the reason why the fire alarm and smoke created, because during sleep, the smell of smoke the fire will not keep you awake.

Exploding Head Syndrome

OK, the phenomenon of sleep this one is quite ambiguous, also known as the Exploding Head Syndrome but in reality it does not cover your head hovering just a hallucination but the sound while you sleep. While sleep suddenly you like to hear a very loud voice, good sound goods fell, shot, until the explosion, which could also be accompanied as seeing flashes of light. It is indeed rare, but it can and does ever happen generally to those aged over 50 years. No one knows for sure what would cause this strange thing.
Want to Feel Like Fall

Also known as hypnagogic jerk is a phenomenon in which while you sleep suddenly you are awakened by a feeling of shock or surprise, the most common usually are because the feelings will fall. This can happen when you are sleeping in conditions that are too tired, lack of sleep, or stress.

This is because in a state of sleep, the body and mind are not always in the same state. Jerk Hypoganic Well this may happen when our minds have to first enter the sleep state when our body is still in a state of relatively active. So in short your brain enters sleep cycles very quickly due to tiredness or stress, but your body is not. Why feeling like fall? No one knows for sure.

Sleep Sex

Based on the research of the University Health Network, Toronto, Canada on 800 patients found that 8% of the population perform sexual acts while they are asleep or sexsomnia. Sexsomnia is one of the most bizarre things that can happen while you sleep where you can have sex with a partner while sleeping, there was even an incident where a woman having sex with unknown men while he slept.

Similar to the strange phenomenon of sleepwalking, usually occur because someone sleeping in a condition where he is being passionate or dream of sexual matters. Those who suffer from it are also trapped between the sleep state and the waking condition. For additional information, did you know that while we sleep either male or female, they are sexually aroused.

Sleep walking

If the usual strange things that happen during sleep is not harmful, then the sleep behavior of these are included in a dangerous thing. There is even a real incident in which a man fell from a high cliff because of the behavior of this Sleepwalking or sleep walking. As described above, while we sleep our mind and body can enter different sleep cycles, and this often happens.

In sleepwalking, you begin to wake from sleep, but unfortunately not enough to wake your brain completely to make yourself fully aware, when your body is already awake and able to move on. In short your mind trapped in a state of waking and sleeping. Those who suffer from it may behave differently, starting from talking, texting, eating, ironing, to drive. Consult your doctor if this happens.


It can not be denied that the dream is probably the most bizarre thing that happened while we slept. How could they be? Why is there a reasonable and why is there not? Why did it happen nightmare? What is its purpose? Lots of mystery surrounds the dream, although there are many theories but until now there has been no single consensus on the reasons why we dream. Some experts believe that dreams do not have a goal, while others believe that it is due to the condition of a person's body, and there is also believed that dreams are a sign that something is coming in the future.

One of the most credible theory is that the dream is a way for the brain to process our memories. This is why we always dream of things that we've seen either consciously or unconsciously.

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