Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

Strange This Child Never Hungry and Sick

Unique World Info - Olivia Farnsworth, a seven-year-old girl from England, has a miracle in his life. Imagine, the boy had never felt hungry, sick, or even fatigue.

According to a report on the website Oddity Central, as reported by Emirates 247, Saturday, January 23, 2016, in which the report tells of an incident that happened to Olivia. At that time, he was running in the middle of the road, but suddenly he was dragged down by a passing car.

what happens, after the incident, he then just get up and walk normally and go away. He was injured on the toes and hips, without the slightest cry. In fact, people illustrate that the incident was terrible.

For his diet, according to his mother, Olivia could survive in one year just by eating bread and butter. For now, Olivia's mother said he was only interested in eating chicken noodle.

"Olivia does not care about healthy food, he does not seem worried about hunger, malnutrition, illness or fatigue," said his mother. In fact, her mother added, in one day, Olivia could without eating and sleeping.

Doctors said the miracle that happened to Olivia is a rare occurrence. Doctors observed that the condition can be caused by a chromosomal deletion, namely chromosome six or doctors termed as "the elimination of chromosome 6".

Doctors also give it a unique nickname of the boy as a girl bionic.

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