Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Danger Out Tonight

Tonight is one side of the hemisphere that does not receive light from the sun, and one side that is consumed by darkness. Tonight was a quiet day in which when the night is the time for us to sleep and the rest of the tired routine of work or other activities. Tonight also gives peace of mind, where we can recall our activities during the day, remember masalalu pleasant and hatred. In addition to good effect for us, but the night is also famous for giving bad effect to our health, because at night is known as the "Night Wind".

Wind famous night with winds that give adverse effects that can disrupt our health because of the wind that night had the weather was cooler than during the day, and cold temperatures it becomes an ideal wind to carry the virus and can interfere with breathing us. Other dangers are rarely known by many people is as follows.

1. Wet Lungs

The evening breeze is not just a cold wind, but the wind and the night also brought dew has moist air. If the air is inhaled prolonged then not much is likely to disease pneumonia. Therefore, when compared to people who often go out the day, those who prefer a night had a pale face and susceptible to disease.

2. Asthma
Asthma is a disease known as hereditary factors, but there are several factors that can be the occurrence of asthma, either because they often breathe air and night temperatures. Due to very cold night air and direct the body's tissues lining the airways continuously, can trigger inflammation in the airways, making breathing difficult and that's called Asthma.

3. Causes Arthritis and Joint Pain

For those of you who feel if you have pain in the joints, it is recommended not to frequent or easing out in at night. Because you can potentially terseran Rheumatic disease and joint pain, because that tends to cool night breeze.

4. Affected by Malaria

Malaria occurs due to the bite of the Anopheles mosquito, the mosquito is very fond temperatures tend to be cooler. So there is a possibility that you could be attacked by these mosquitoes.

Besides being able to disease, if a night out can also endanger the safety, what else out until late at night. Some of the threats that can occur when you are out at night is:

1. Can Threatened Crime or Kriminalisme

Not all people have a good heart, even some of his own human nature is more cruel than animals. As they steal, injure and even kill a fellow human being. So at night you can also threatened evil act of a fellow human being, what else you are out until late at night. And most often didegar and in the news is, the group attacks the robber. Although sekaran robber in action not only at night, but the night is the time which is ideal for the robber to act. Moreover, the evening is the day when people are resting and sleeping, so the night would have been more quiet and the robber will be more free to perform the action.

2. Crime Satan, Jin and Magic Night

Not only the crimes of human activity, but at night can be threatened by magic, magic act of the jinn. Because when the change from daylight into night is the right time for the nation of devils and demons to come out and interfere with human faith. Although the devil does not only come out at night, but the devil also be in action with his evil magic, magic to seduce men. For example, there is no entertainment shows prostitutes and intoxicating drinks circulate during the day, but on the contrary. Nighttime is the right time for a rah-rah and the party to leave from the charity and worship, and invites us commit major sins.

In conclusion we do not forbid you to go out at night, but we strongly recommend to reduce out until late at night. If you are out at night it is advisable to use thick clothing such as jackets, gloves and so on. And do not forget to read the prayer !.

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