Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Unique Places in Yogyakarta Indonesia

We intentionally separating information about Yogyakarta that addresses this unique tourist attractions based on due interests and tastes. If the previous articles in the same city, the focus of the review on the popularity factor. This time, a few things that could be called something special, strange, extreme and very rare but interesting enough to be used as a vacation spot. Traveled a challenging new style is also one of the reasons some places in Yogyakarta, we classify as a unique object that is worth visiting.

1. Gondola Pantai Timang 

Extreme tourism activity which is not uncommon in Yogyakarta that his place on the beach Cuddle in Gunung Kidul area. Condition white sand lined with pandanus plants that exist here as well as a big, sharp coral clusters show that the beach is pristine and yet get the maximum arrangement. In this area there are a large stone across the sea which is a nest of lobster. Stone-shaped island is connected by a "simple gondola" made of wood made by local fishermen to slide there. It was this unique, horrific and extreme. "Gondola" is often used by tourists as a means to test the guts. Imagine if the wind is blowing hard and fall, sharp coral beneath await you!

2. Goa Pindul
Location of sites that shaped this cave is located in the district of Gunung Kidul, Yigyakarta. Precisely in the village Bejiharjo. What is interesting is this place offers activities along the river underground. And here too there is a giant stalagmite and stalactite nearly fused. For those of you who can not swim, do not worry because the cave tubing activity here is very safe to use tire life jackets and buoys and river flow conditions tend to be calm. Should you come to Pindul Cave in Gunung Kidul is during the dry season river flows so calm and clear.

3. Cave Tubing Kalisuci
The location is also an interesting object in the area of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Just like Pindul, in this place also offers a unique form of travel down the river up to the cave Kalisuci and Wren. But for this adventure, your adrenaline will be encouraged because at some point there is a strong current rapids. Not infrequently visitors amateur accidentally climbed to the edge of the river to avoid the rapids. Also a stressful experience when entering the cave, because it's broad daylight turned into darkness. Do you rely solely headlamp. Do not worry because everything is paid when you enjoy these activities are adorned privileged landscape. In fact, there are several waterfalls with a dazzling mini size along the river.

4. Borobudur temple
The beauty of this place that travelers are able to anesthetize the greatness of the creator who is able to create works spetakuler a building high enough but can last hundreds of years without sustaining significant damage. Borobudur in Yogyakarta has one unique thing that rarely occurred to visitors. Namely, how can, temples are high and are made of thousands of large stones may remain secure despite a severe earthquake in the region? Though arranged between stone does not exist any adhesive. Strange, is not it?

5. Surfing in Krakal
This place is already quite long known as a tourist destination in Yogyakarta. Rows of coral protruding on the sidelines of the waves often become the object of photography. Lately, beach surfing spot Krakal become tense because of the type of waves "reef breaks" to be an adventure of its own for the surfer. The atmosphere of the big waves and sharp coral is similar to Suluban coast of Bali. If it fails, then the cluster of coral on the edge as if ready to pounce. Not uncommon to hear a tourist who suffered wounds all over his body due to the reef scratched. Unique activities, extreme and thrilling is actually favored foreign tourists. Do not forget to bring the sled alone because no rentals here.

6. Outbound Kalibiru
This place is already quite long known as a tourist destination in Yogyakarta. Rows of coral protruding on the sidelines of the waves often become the object of photography. Lately, beach surfing spot Krakal become tense because of the type of waves "reef breaks" to be an adventure of its own for the surfer. The atmosphere of the big waves and sharp coral is similar to Suluban coast of Bali. If it fails, then the cluster of coral on the edge as if ready to pounce. Not uncommon to hear a tourist who suffered wounds all over his body due to the reef scratched. Unique activities, extreme and thrilling is actually favored foreign tourists. Do not forget to bring the sled alone because no rentals here.
7. Climbing in Siung 
For those who like to fill the holiday with rock climbing activities, is not wrong if it slid to these attractions. In the region of Yogyakarta, this place is the most extreme with the highest number of climbing routes. there are 250 climbing routes here. If you have more guts, try to do it on the beach Siung. For those who do not like rock climbing, this beach also offers incomparable natural beauty. Giant coral group is waiting for you for the photo. Surely you love with this object.
8.  Masangin in the South Square
Tourism activities in the evening this place is hereditary made public. The location is in the back garden Keraton Jogja. This kidul square every night around 19.00 begin visited by participants Masangin. The trick is quite simple, namely by closing the eyes with a cloth, then walked between two banyan twins from a certain distance. It is said that if you can enter the middle of the banyan, sign him clean. Simple and easy? Of course not. Because very rarely successful beyond it.

Senin, 29 Februari 2016

The World History - Withheld

Many historical facts were deliberately hidden from the public knowledge. Perhaps because of the evils yangdilakukan by the authorities in the past or could also untukmenyembunyikan evil conspiracies untukkepentingan-political and economic interest groups tertentu.Atau perhaps because there are events that are not recorded denganbaik. In addition there are also facts that adasepanjang amazing history and can add to our knowledge.

Here's the facts:

● The existence of tailless monkey-faced man who had otakdua times greater volume than the other takberekor monkey-faced man, and they make tooling for the first kalinyasekitar 2 million years ago. They are divided into four races yangberbeda after 1 million years later and one of them kemudianmeninggalkan African continent. They can then talk denganbahasa about 400,000 years ago and at that time they sudahtersebar in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Finally, a large group of Asian people migrated from Asia keAmerika, when the continents of Asia and America are connected at the utaranya.Kemudian they stayed throughout the north and south benuaAmerika, which may be known as a nation of Indians - asliAmerika wrong people named by Columbus, for Columbusmengira he had arrived in India, so he called them Indianatau Indian people.

● The giant statue of the Sphinx in Egypt have been built around tahun8000 BCE (BCE) by a dark brown-skinned peoples in Afrikautara, 4,000 years before the rise of civilization in Egypt. Waktudihitung size by piling rainwater on the stone statue. Caraini is a more accurate way to measure the age of the statue batutersebut.

● Regions Brazil found via the sea route around the year 531 BC ataubisa so before that time by the Phoenicians. Phoeniciansmerupakan nation's first nation to trade across the ocean. Merekatinggal around Lebanon (the first civilized city in the world), and they have crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the African continent danmengadakan trade activities with local communities there are selamabertahun years. The local community really came denganberjalan foot from China many years earlier.

● Cleopatra (69 to 30 BC), queen of Egypt was 16 years old tapidikenal have abnormal sexual desires (sexual maniac) and time itudia already become the wife of Julius Caesar. His first love was when diaberusia 12 years and he has a special shrine ditempatipacar-girlfriend and perform sex party there. Kemudianmelakukan Cleopatra committed suicide when she was 38 years old.

● The Chinese people across the ocean with a large ship and find Mexico around the year 459 AD and also other countries.

● Vikings from northern European nation has a small colony around the east coast of America around the year 900 BC.

● southern Europeans first discovered in North America tahun1472 is a named Portuguese Joao vas de Corte Real in suatumisi discovery secret. But the Phoenicians nation barangkalimengunjungi North America long before that. Columbus came first and twenty years later, in 1492, and he called Haiti untukHispaniola!

● Mills Darden (USA in 1798-1857) weight 463 kilos, while his wife is only 46 kg

● Antonio Meucci (1808-1889) of Italy found 1849 phone danAlexander Graham Bell, who actually worked in Meucci, mempatenkansalinannya in 1876 and recognizes as his invention!

● Sir Joseph Wilson Swan patented lampupada ball for the first time in 1878 in the UK. And Thomas Alva Edison made sedikittiruan better, then he tried to get the patenatas mock bulbs in America around one tahunkemudian. Thomas Alva Edison introduced that the bulb listrikadalah findings. However, in 1892 the Company Edisonsmerger with Swans and became General Electric and afterwards merekamenggunakan original method of findings Swans to make bolalampu.

● Famous scientist Nicola Tesla (1856-1943) found the radio in tahun1893 and patent it, means Marconi is not the true inventor.

● The four pieces of the chimney of the Titanic turned out a hoax, just to make it look like a really four!

● Charles Lindberg is human-to-82 that flew past the ocean, but he was the first to do it alone.

● Vatican State was established in 1929 with the help of a diktatorfasis, Mussolini who want to get support from the church.

● most vicious criminals: Herman Webster Mudgett (1860-1896), known as Dr. Harry Howard Holmes killed about 150wanita young, but he claimed "only" killed 27 people. He menyewakankamar-rooms in the "palace" of his in Chicago, which is actually adalahsebuah house of horrors. There dibuatkannya secret passageways yangberkelok winding penetrate from one room to another, Each is also equipped with a lift secret, each bedroom dibikinkedap voice, pools of acidic (perhaps to squash corpse), the gas chamber, a desk surgery equipped with alatmeregangkan human body, private crematorium, and an underground warehouse (bunker) is very large which found many parts tubuhmanusia mutilated. He sold skeleton-darikorban these victims to schools kedokteran.Korban-victim hung for 10 minutes before dying.

● Albert Fish (1870-1936) a cannibal to eat at least five belasanak-friendly, but he was only sentenced to two homicides last dankorban is a child of about ten tahunbernama Grace Budd, which he cut into small sizes dankemudian to cook with pieces kiosks and onions. In a letter to his mother he wrote "This is a small donkey yangdipanggangnya in the furnace".

●-old mother of the youngest in the world is a child of Lina Medina Perubernama which time she conceived tujuhbulan five years old. She later gave birth to a healthy boy denganoperasi cesarean delivery in May 1939 and the baby's father is not pernahditemukan. His parents first suspected Lina Medina suffered semacamtumor, but it turns out she was pregnant since she was 4 years old and sudahmendapat menstruation since the age of three. Lina develop normally danmendapatkan second child in 1972, 33 years after anakpertamanya born. Click here for the story and gambarselengkapnya ...

● Otto Hahn, a German make's first atomic bomb explosion in 1938.

● When invaded Belgium, Germany for the first time melakukanserangan by using paratroopers with a doll untukmembingungkan enemy (German first untukserangan puppet forces did not use his umbrella when it invaded Norway) plus a unique pesawatlayang equipped with a bomb really efficient. Inidilakukan to destroy the bridges of the most important places danuntuk master "almost impossible" for direbutseperti fortress Eben Emael.

All the crazy idea but it works so well developed olehsi evil genius, Hitler and all are original ideas sendiri.Hitler really a lover of war, and he really mendesainuntuk first time almost everything that menjadikanJerman had a terrible combat power. From the start setiapdetil army uniform and emblem, until the war metodalatihan complex but effective, everything is idenyasendiri. Although very nasty but all she does sangatmengagumkan.

When the British began plans for the invasion of Norway, bebapa bulansebelumnya Germany also do the same thing with an enormous armadalaut gathered in the North Sea., But ketikapasukan England met with the German navy near Oslo, England reversed course to return to Norway. But only sedikitpasukan involved in the fighting.

● greatest hero in World War II is Michel Hollard dania was the sole ruler who started palingefisien intelligence organization in France called "Reseau Agir" which has 60 agenrahasia placed in strategic places throughout Prancis.Ia own that collects and sends information and fellow agensaling not know. He then hacked into France melaluiperbatasan Switzerland, which is "impossible" to traverse. Because he do not believe with certainty military information, prior to 1942 most border iamenyeberangi most difficult in the world as much as 94 kali.Hollard is a person who finds all the V1 missile bases, beberapabulan before the missiles were completed. The missiles are dibuatdengan extreme safety systems and scalable, made only dalammasa 4 months and none of the German labor was yangmengetahui purpose of the installation. But Hollard berhasilmenemukan everything and 44th missile base was bombed so hancurberkeping pieces, a few days before their job selesai.Basis-base is built to send 5000 missiles every month SHALL be 50,000 pieces of super bombs before "D-Days" (= term H untukhari real battle, which is dated June 6, 1944, ketikapasukan allies landed in Normandy to attack Germany yangmenduduki France - Book Donald L.Miller: Bhs. Ind or Bhs.Ing) dansedikitnya 20,000 pieces of the missile would hit the city of London, namunakhirnya only be 2400 attacks in its entirety. Hollardditangkap in 1944 due to the betrayal of someone. Iadisiksa by the Gestapo, but he did not say anything. He sent keNeuengamme, one of the worst concentration camps. TetapiHollard retaliated by hiding more than 1.000bagian-part weapons to be coupled again by paranarapidana, and he then survived after the shootout dikamp.

● The mass killing - according to the report of the High Council ASbernama "reports Walter" made in 1971 amounted to antara323 and 617 million people were killed by the Chinese government, from 1949 to 1971. While the report Hsiao Mieh (B.Ind - B.Ing) 51-55 mentions only the events that resulted in 5 to 10 million people died. Radio official in Peking reported a number of "existence obsolete" in a few months and the number of people in one month terbesar2.326.000. Between 8 and 10 million people dibunuholeh Soviet government. In its report 1936sampai Jezjovtsjina in the year 1938 at least 19 million people died between 1960 1921sampai years in Soviet prisons famous. There palingsedikitnya 27 to 29 million people or more than 25% are Jewish orangketurunan.

Nazi Adolf Otto Eichmann claimed responsibility jawabnyaatas ready to die for the murder of at least 5.7 million Jews. But pembunuhanoleh Nazis of about 8 million Jews plus 6 to 10 jutawarganegara others (mostly laborers and the poor was) bringing the total to at least 12 to 18 million orangtelah killed dead. Pembataian also gets "relief" darikelompok local groups such partisan-partisan national Litauanyang killed about 229 052 Jews in Luthuania and beberapakejadiannya filmed by the Nazis as part of propaganda and perintahbaik as propaganda and instructions for einsatzgruppe.

All these horrible mass murder generally dimaksudkanuntuk reduce the population. Included also are cheap and easy sepertimenciptakan efforts systematically starved, and hard work that mematikandi in old ships big and then drowned. Perkiraanangka These figures are lower than the actual reality (dengandokumentasi complete), as predicted by parasejarawan that in reality the numbers are certainly lebihtinggi of it.

● second atomic bomb dropped by the US on Nagasaki padatahun 1945 came from a different type than ever diujidampaknya by the US air force. They did not give the Japanese Timeto surrender and chose two cities the size of the same size. AStidak planning prevents severe damage in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example using conventional bombs, but merekabenar really want to destroy almost every city in Japan denganledakan bomb. Quite strange several articles about "atomic bomb" jarangmenyebutkan about a second bombing conducted in Nagasaki (ataumengenai number of victims there) and in fact Jepangsesungguhnya not able to fight off the attack. To menyerangpesawat bomber that alone they could not. But pemimpinJepang still reluctant to give up, even after the bombing on Nagasaki yangkedua. Had the Japanese emperor ordered the military kepadapihak Japan to surrender before, maybe bombings itutidak need to happen.

● The late Haji Muhammad (HM) is a person's birth Azharie Palembangasli formerly domiciled in Fagih Jalan Raja Usman Lr Stairs RT 13RW 03 No. 308, 2 Ulu Palembang Sea. The figure of the father of 13 children this is a merchant denganperannya milling Palembang Palembang -Bengkulu that the magnitude of his generosity and spirit play a role "hide" at Bung Karno at his residence at 2 Ulu and berkatjasanya Similarly, Bung Karno in exile in Bengkulu can "get away" via Jakarta to Palembang.

● Based on the report by John Perkins, then Richard Nixon, 36th President of Aske, said Indonesia should not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union atauChina. Bak tit for tat corporatocracy welcomed New RezimOrde kleptocracy. This pattern makes conspiracy utangpembangunan vicious circle. Most of the debt used to build proyekinfrastruktur done once memperkayakleptokrasi corporatocracy. Conspiracy korporatokrasi- kleptocracy seem dariproyek Paiton whose value USD3,7 miliar.Harga lebihmahal than 60% of electricity in the Philippines or 20 times than in the US.

Paiton funds derived from export credit debt is channeled agenciesdi West. Corruption begins when a 15.75% stake in the megaproject tersebutdisetor to cronies and family kleptocracy. Land acquisition sampaimonopoli coal supply is done without a tender. Apparently, nilaiproyek Paiton tergelembungkan 72% and Indonesia for 30 years harusmembayar compensation 8.6 cents per kwh while kemampuannyacuma 2 cents.

In fact, the President or the Bung Karno (BK) sangatantikorporatokrasi. Evidently, since 1951 through its policy Bung Karno (Law No. 44/1960) freeze petroleum concessions for MNC.Pembekuan itumembuat big three (Stanvac, Caltex, and Shell) requested negosiasiulang.Tapi, Bung Karno threatened, "I give you the time beberapahari. I will cancel all concessions if it does not meet my demands. "

● unsolved crimes most (at least until tahun1996) is when the hordes of American military and civilian beberapawarganegara Germany, taking the country's gold reserves Jermanpada 1945 as well as other items, worth around 400 million dollars.

● Paul Anderson, heavy lifters of the United States who won gold medals in 1956, managed to lift the barbell weighing 3,000 kilogrampada 1957 only with the back of her and William Pagel, mengangkatbarbel 500 kilograms heavier than Paul Anderson while menaikidua-four-meter ladder.

● richest man in the world for twenty years is tokohterkemuka of a delivery business is the introvert Daniel KLudwig (1897-1992) having a plurality of wealth at least 3.000juta dollars in 1977 (which would be about 12,000 million dolarpada 1997). He donated most of kekayaannyauntuk many cancer research. You can compare it dengankekayaan Howard Hughes that "only" 1,373 million dollars in 1976.Sedangkan sheikhs of Kuwait succeeded in generating wealth since tahun1974 more than 3,800 million dollars per year and an empress from India, about double wealth Ludwig, before government take the whole Indiamenyatakan his wealth by way of taxes. The SiMaharani has a cellar full-court dalamistana filled with a number of gold and stones permata.Kemudian stipulates that the Indian government has pribadiadalah gold illegally, and he was never late in paying taxes. He likes to throw a party jugadikenal the jet. Then the Sultan dariBrunei is the richest man in 1997 with a fortune sekitar38.000 million dollars. In 2007, William Gates III sebagaiorang recorded richest with a net worth of about 56,000 million dollars, jumlahtersebut is a treasure that remains after he dermakan hampirseparuhnya that in 2000 there were more than 118,000 million dolar.Ingvar Kamprad, the Swedish founder of IKEA eventually become rich orangpaling ke- 4 in 2007 with a net worth of about 33.000juta dollars.

● The mean age of marriage of girls in India in 1980 only 14.5 years.

● Internet is opened to everyone the first time on 30 April1993 like www (World Wide Web) and link into kuncikesuksesannya.

● An Englishman who suffered bad press, finally came back in 1997 after 8 years of coma.

● The mean age of marriage for girls in Yemen atauJemen (one country in the Arab lands) in 2005 was 14,3tahun and in 1999, the age limit is set denganundang-law marriage of 15 years to the age of onset of puberty, young sehinggaanak women can marry at the age of 9 years. But truthful really bad part is that most marriages tersebutdiatur with regardless of their feelings. Even the children anakperempuan many do not know about sex (with alasanajaran religious) so that they enter perawinanberakhir first experience with an emotional shock!

● Regarding natural wonders. There is a river that is contained in the underground, is located slightly below the Nile - lebihbesar six times the size of the Nile. Nile River itself flows through kubikair 1360 million meters every day.

● The highest waterfall in the world is Salto del Angel in Venezuela whose height is 979 meters.

● People who do felling trees in the forest (in most countries) are for firewood or membukalahan new farm. The trees in the rain forest serves to hold airhujan in soil and clean the air for us to breathe. Tetapihutan barren in some tropical countries will mudahdisapu water when heavy rains that could mengabiskan shore fish resources and could turn the land into a desert. In the country the green Haitihutannya stay 5%, also in several other countries, bahkanlebih little longer. While the tallest tree in the world is redwoodyang 113 meters high, in the US.

● Birds known as pigeon walked on North dariAmerika been killed from 5,000 to 10,000 million dalam1880.

● The next ice age will come roughly 100 to a maximum of 4000tahun, according to the latest variation and we are now in bagianakhir of warmer times of the 20th, which began that year 9000 BC.

● superstition. Elimination pathway bench no.13 in the aircraft, there is no 13th floor numbering in some countries (especially the USA), there is no room number 13 in the hotels and the king of Sweden refused untukmakan along with 13 people at one table!

● Some of the false myth that popular. Like the story of pirates in masalalu in actual fact almost never told tawanannyadengan "punishment plunged into the sea" as it is often shown in the film. And just a little pirate who seek hartakarun, because the pirates typically only barangrampasan sharing with fellow friends and extravagance depletes padapelabuhan the next. So almost no treasure map in the life real.

Total Solar Eclipse 2016 in Indonesia Pull Attention World

A number of celestial events will occur in the world throughout 2016. Supermoon, meteor showers, and especially is the total solar eclipse - which will be observed in the region of Indonesia on March 9, 2016.

At that time, in the morning in most parts of the archipelago will turn dark as night full moon. Although only a matter of minutes.

Head of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) Thomas Abubakar said the eclipse will cross 11 provinces in Indonesia: Bengkulu, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and North Maluku.

"Total solar eclipse in the eastern part of Indonesia will take about 3 minutes 09:00 local time. Over in the west will take approximately 2 minutes at 07.30 am," Thomas said as quoted by Antara.

While in other areas such as Java, observed partial solar eclipse.
Not only the public awaited the country, the phenomenon of a total solar eclipse is also the focus of the international community.

"More than 3,000 scientists from around the world will come to Palu to observe a solar eclipse," said Marsetyo of Tadulako University in Palu, was quoted as saying on the website Earth Sky.

"Over the past 2 minutes on March 9, 2016 morning, Palu will be the scientific center of the world," he continued.

As quoted by the Examiner, a number of overseas companies eyeing the momentum of a total solar eclipse in Indonesia for tourism.

Wildland Adventures is headquartered in Seattle, Amerka States, is one of them. They hope to bring tourists enthusiasts of astronomy (astro-tourist) to remote regions of Maluku.

There, the tourists will board the boat while sailing and became an eyewitness moments solar eclipse, while along the river that divides the uninhabited forest with views of towering volcanoes.

"As I recall, a sightseeing tour of a solar eclipse there are already more than 40 years ago," said Mike Simmons, president of Astronomers Without Borders based in California to the Examiner.

A number of French tourists visiting Halmahera will also coincide with a total solar eclipse. Pun by scientists, including from the US space agency (NASA).

Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

Mystery, "sleeping sickness" This caused people to sleep 2 days 2 nights nonstop

Attacks mysterious plague called "sleeping sickness" attack hundreds of people in remote areas Kalachi in Northern Kazakhstan. The disease causes the pain-stricken patients dizziness, hallucinations and even partly to memory loss. Although scientists have launched various efforts to reveal the nature of the disease, so far none of which show the results.

"Sleeping sickness" first broke out in early 2013. Since then, more than 150 cases have been reported in a small remote village, which has about 680 residents.

According to a report from Interfax and Kazakh Telegraph Agency, as reported by Antara, medical experts who studied patients say the disease was caused by a "brain disease that are unknown", but they ruled out the possibility of infection biology.

Nuclear scientists and environmentalists are investigating the area reported no abnormal radiation levels or concentrations of toxic elements weird, Xinhua reported.

A leading expert in Russia who has been treating patients from Kalachi said "sleeping sickness" that may be caused by a little sleep radon gas from the uranium mines that have been abandoned and are only a few hundred meters from the village.

Geo-ecology professor Leonid Rikhvanov told the media that the mine near Kalachi was flooded and the gas, which usually fills the mine, may have spread to the surface. But he also stressed that it was only a theory and not proven.

Meanwhile, Local Government Kalachi in January announced plans to move all the residents of the village and the nearby small town from 2015.

Kalachi village situated only 600 meters from City Mine-Soviet era, Krasnogorsk, which has menghasilan uranium ore from 1960 to 1990. The mine was closed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

On May 16, 2014, The Siberian Times reported that scientists were puzzled by a mysterious condition that makes people suddenly fall asleep for two to six days in the area around the village of Kalachi and Krasnogorsk, which is now empty.

Conditions were specifically accompanied by memory loss is staggering.

Marina Felk (50), according to The Siberian Times, said, "I was milking cows, as usual in the morning, and started to fall asleep. I do not remember anything at all. While awake, I was in a hospital bed, and some nurse smiled at me and said, Welcome back sleeping princess. You finally got up, too. "

"What else do I remember? No! I slept for two days and two nights, "said the middle-aged women are.

Jumat, 26 Februari 2016

7 Unique Work With Large Salary

Everyone will want to be successful. The success of a person is usually seen from what he does everyday and how much his salary. Some jobs, such as doctors, businessmen, lawyers, and contractors often considered a promising job because the salary is relatively large. However, this time the idea that work should be in accordance with the heart grow stronger. This is what underlies the emergence of unique jobs.

Bored at work is common, but wanted to have a large income? If so, one of the unique work below may be suitable for you.

1. Food Scientist
You want to taste the food for free, even are paid by someone else? Works as a food scientist or food scientists is the answer. A food scientist working to notify the content, taste, and any material that is in a food. To be a food scientist, you must have a very sensitive sense of taste. These jobs make money amounting to 700 million rupiah per month. Great huh?
2. Golf ball diver
Working as a certified diver would have been a lot of people do, but what happens if you work as a diver on the golf course? Strange? That is done by the Forest Rothchild. Every day he spent time on the golf course to collect golf balls in the water. Anyone who has a diving certificate can carry out this work. The trouble of this work is the diver can not see during the dive because of the murky waters. But the results of this work are very tempting, which is about 100,000 dollars per year or 1 billion rupiah per year.
3. Body Part Model
Do you know Adele Uddo, Ellen SIROT, and Kimbra Hickey? Maybe there of you know, but have never seen their faces. They are famous model body part. Although you rarely see their faces, but in fact they are everywhere.

This is a job as a model that does not require you to be tall, thin, and beautiful. In the world of body part models, what is needed is the body parts were perfect and beautiful to the subject of the client request that will take a picture of you. By becoming a body part models, you will receive a revenue of up to 75 thousand dollars per year, or 985 million per year.
4.  Embalmer (Preservatives corpse)
Embalmer is the work of applying balm to the body of the deceased to remain durable. Before the body was buried, there is usually a series of ceremonies to be performed, nah embalmer is tasked to prevent the corpse from decay by the simple expedient of rubbing balm. Creepy job is also generating substantial revenue tablets. An embalmer had revenues of approximately 950 million per year. So for those of you brave, try to start applying.

5. Zombie
For those of you who are bored with the work that was mediocre, maybe this job is perfect for you. Working with him into a zombie at the London Bridge Experience is classified as a job very unique and probably fun because it can make people shocked and frightened. Work to be done is to walk with a zombie dragging his body, put the face with a flat expression, but sinister, and dressed as the undead. By doing it all, the revenue generated by a zombie around 30 thousand pounds Sterling per year, or about 600 million per year. Interesting? 
6. Gamers 
Working while playing certainly very exciting. Only it turns out this work is not fun but also a lot of money. A professional gamers from Japan named Moru Chan, earning $ 1 million yen, or about 100 million just by playing the game. Gamers task is to continue to play until it becomes very expert. You feel good at playing games? 
Come try..!
7. Water Slide Tester
Playful water slides? This work will be very tempting for you. A student of Cheddar, Colorado, United States named Seb Smith is one of the few water slider tester in the world. To get the job, he had to beat 2,000 applicants. The main job of a water slider tester is traveling the world to try different forms of water slider. This work provides a sizeable income, namely 20,000 pounds Sterling, or approximately 400 million per year.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Unique silly funny pictures Crazy Weird in Indonesia

Ridiculous Funny picture Unique Harleys are very lots scattered on the internet, be it of social media and blogs that post. Usually images are funny memes that had been made by netizens to raise topics that are popular at the moment. Sometimes in the form of satirical drawings of famous figures are problematic. Joke material was not only about the things that can make us laugh anyway, even some that could make us enlightened by the wise words that touch.

Well, for all my friends who are looking for unique silly pictures gokil crazy? The following image below please observe the admin gathered from various sources :

That's the latest information about "Ridiculous Pictures Funny Crazy Weird Unique in Indonesia", I hope the above article can be useful for you all are. The ridiculous image will certainly make our minds for the better because with our laughter certainly stress that we suffer would be reduced.

7 Mystery Related World History The Unsolved

Unsolved mysteries of the world | Their exact mystery to be solved. Since we are born into the world, the earth beneath us has been surrounded by mystery. There are already solved through science. There is also yet to be resolved and it will probably be a mystery forever.

Some of the mysteries of the world as ancient relics and history of the war is still a question mark until now. Many researchers who want to try to solve it, but still have not got the results. As the mystery will Adolt Hilter loss of property as well as the mystery of where Columbus is buried bodies still invite questions until now.

Many mysteries indeed invite curiosity for us to know the truth. Mystery always makes us wonder what the purpose and bagimana it happen. Well to reduce our curiosity will be a mystery, I present the following seven mysteries of the world in terms of history that may be entertaining us all. Let listened ..

7 Mystery of the World History Related Yang still a question mark

1. The Mystery of the Stolen Assets Hitler

It may be a place where the greatest wealth and the greatest that ever existed: a hoard of gold bullion that was unimaginable amount of booty, and then there is also jewelry, and foreign currency, with an estimated total value of $ 4 billion. This was reported stolen wealth disappeared in the blink of an eye on his place in the German Reichsbank. In the decades after World War II, the spoils pile of valuables found in Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, Spain, and Sweden, but they do not compare with the value that should be stockpiled by Hitler.

Many groups around the world is still a treasure hunt, but after many years, the question remains: Where is the gold actually Hitler? Until now, the mystery of the treasure still has not been revealed, with all the rumors, speculation and myths that still exists in the vicinity. One of the most popular belief is Hitler himself was buried in a secret location somewhere in Deutschneudorf, Germany. Some treasure hunters believe that the booty was lying at the bottom of the lake was hired in Austria, while the others believe that they are stored in banks worldwide. The only thing that is certain is speculation about the location of the treasure $ 4 billion it has grown into a legend.

2. Mystery loss of USS Cyclops 

Friend child Regular course, we know the place called Triangle Bermua. The Bermuda Triangle is known for the removal of a lot of ships mysteriously that has been going there for years. Although scientists are now able to provide a logical explanation for most of the disappearances in the area, but some still can never be explained, including the loss of USS Cyclops, a freighter material bekar Proteus class US Navy.

During the First World War, the USS Cyclops was sent to Brazil to refuel British ships in the South Atlantic. Back from Rio de Janeiro, the ship stopped at the island of Barbados, and then went to Baltimore on March 4, 1918. Since then, no one saw or heard anything more about Cyclops. The crew and passengers totaling 306 people vanished, and there was no trace of them or ship ever discovered. It became the largest single loss outside of battle in the history of the US Navy. Although the US Navy authorities have tried over the years to give a logical explanation, but the loss of USS Cyclops remains a mystery to many questions that can not be missed. 

3. Mystery Will Location bodies of Christopher Columbus 

Who is not familiar with the figure explorer named Christopher Columbus. We certainly know because since attending school the character's name always appears in history lessons. Christopher Columbus was the most famous explorers of all time, and we know almost everything about his life except one mystery: After his death in 1509, where his body was buried.

Initially he was buried in the Spanish city Vigiadolid, then in 1537 the bones were moved to the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean, in accordance with her wishes. But when Spain lost the area when war with France in 1795, his remains were moved to Cuba, and remained there until the Spanish-American War broke out. He finally returned to Seville, Spain, in 1898.

The official version of the Government of the Dominican Republic, however, claimed that the body Columbus never left Hispaniola. In 1877, at the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, a casket was found by bearing an inscription which states that the corpse in the coffin was Cristobal Colon noble and foremost ".

A DNA analysis conducted on the bones in Seville, and the siblings Diego Columbus (who was buried in the same city) showed that the two samples match perfectly. When researchers announced these findings in 2006, the controversy surrounding the remains of the bodies of Columbus should be near the end. However, the Dominican Republic openly challenge the results of the DNA tests, and over the years has demanded to do a DNA analysis of the bones in Hispaniola, thus opening a window of doubt.

4. Mystery About Secrets disc Phaistos 

Minoan civilization is considered by most historians as the first organized Western civilization, and has been said to have "the first link in the chain of Europe". Phaistos disc, which was found in 1908 by Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in the ancient city of Phaistos, given the expectations of even the most optimistic that it will help us understand in more detail the Minoan civilization.

Phaistos disc is a global puzzle that kept secrets hidden for thousands of years. The scope of the meaning of the inscription includes praise, prayer, geometric theorems for the calendar, and narrative stories. However, the global scientific community has not been able to confirm all of this. After decades of research, a team of scientists are intensively studying diverse languages and text Minoan Phaistos disc, may have almost close to solving one of the biggest mysteries in archeology, but so far the disc remains a mystery unsolved true.

5.  Mystery signal "Wow"

The incident lasted for 37 seconds, and came from outer space, but what exactly is it?

On August 15, 1977, astronomer Jerry Ehman, working on a SETI project at Ohio Wesleyan University's Perkins Observatory, as usual glance at the mold produced by radio telescopes, known as the Big Ear but what he saw today makes writing Wow! on the printout. But what he saw actually causes it to react like that? According to him, it is a signal that the strongest, clearest, and most significant ever recorded, and into a mystery that astronomers debated for decades.

It was thirty-seven years ago, and still no one knows exactly what causes these signals or where their origins. The scientific world can not give a clear explanation, thus reinforcing the myth surrounding this case. Even the skeptics are now wondering if the signal is mankind's first contact with extraterrestrial life. 

6. Mystery On The determination of the Star of Bethlehem 

For Christians, the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem is an event that is based on religion, so it does not require further explanation. But for scientists and non-Christian, still raises many questions. For nearly 2000 years, a bright star has been a mystery. Is it a miracle as mentioned in the Christian religion, natural phenomena, or maybe an alien spacecraft? St. John Chrysostom even mention that it was not a star, but some invisible force that takes the form.

This phenomenon has been the object of intense study for researchers, astronomers, historians, and archaeologists since antiquity. Some Modern scholars mention that it was a UFO because, according to the Bible, it was seen continuously day and night and do not follow the path from east to west as the other stars in general.

British researchers say that the star of Bethlehem is very bright nova, as described by the Chinese in the spring of 5 BC. Great German astronomer, Johannes Kepler argued that it is a combination of the two planets are forming new stars while, and ancient Origen (185-254 AD) claimed that it was a bright comet, as mentioned astronomers A. Stentzel in 1913. But no satisfactory scientific explanation has been produced up to this day, and the mysterious star remains unexplained.

7. The mystery of the Gods of Olympus Probably Only Aliens

Is it possible that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them technology that drastically affected the course of history and human evolution? If so, do people think of them as gods? According to some historians and scientists alternatives, this is exactly what happened. "We modern humans, according to Hesiod, belonging to the fifth faction created by Zeus, iron race, a mixture of good and bad"; said the Swiss writer Erich Von Daniken.
According to his book, Odyssey of the Gods, the gods of ancient Greece were in fact extraterrestrial beings with superior intelligence who visited Earth, bringing with them advanced technology. They are not creatures of mythology, but the actual alien spacecraft. Of course, none of these theories can be proven historically accurate.
Indeed, the mystery always makes us curious. But the mystery is also always provide a consolation to us all. We may think we can exchange ideas of the truth of the mystery. Hopefully mysteries that until now could not be solved can be solved.